Your fluffy friend has a bump on its lower lip and you don't know what to do? Learn about the bump on cat's lower lip through this article.

Bump On Cat's Lower Lip

So you have been cuddling with your cat from time to time and there is nothing out of the ordinary. But one day, you notice that the lower lip of your pet seems to be slightly protruding from its mouth. Since cats are adept at manipulating the emotion of their human caretakers, you assume that your cat is likely pouting. However, upon close inspection, you suddenly detect a weird bump located right on the lower lip of your fluffy friend. Is the bump on cat's lower lip a telltale sign of dangerous medical issues? What should you do now?

There are dozens of articles that talk about the bump on cat's lower lip, they cover numerous causes/solutions. But in the case, you could ill afford the time and effort to read every discussion and debate out there, here is something for you. Down below is a summary regarding the bump on the lower lip of cats and proper approaches to the issue. Generally speaking, there are a lot of things that might lead to the sudden formation of the bump on the lower lip of your cat. Only with the right mindset could pet owners deal with the situation effectively and efficiently. 

Important Note: As with other health troubles, continue reading if your pet is in a more or less stable condition. In the case, he/she is experiencing great discomforts then waste no further and take your cat to the vets.

The Exact Nature Of The Bump On The Lower Lip


It's highly likely that is what you are seeing on the lower lip of your pet is the direct result of the Eosinophilic Granuloma complex. To put it plainly, a Granuloma bump is a collection of inflammatory cells, tissues and blood vessels that gather together and form a solid mass. Most of the time, Granuloma bumps develop if the immune system of your cat reacts to something that it perceives as a substantial threat. In order to do that, the cat immune cells (Eosinophilic) spring into action and the next thing you know, your cat got a Granuloma bump. Typically, the skin in the area affected by Eosinophilic Granuloma is pink, raised and hairless. 

What Cause The Bump To Form In The First Place

As mentioned above, the bump on cat's lower lip only manages to come into existence because of the sudden hyperactivity of the immune system. Normally, once the immune system detects that the body is being infiltrated by parasites, it shall order the immune cells to quickly neutralize the threat.  In most of the case, such a defensive mechanism plays a vital role in preserving the health of your cat. That being said, the immune system is far from perfect and it could make wrong conclusions from time to time. Overall, it's safe to say that the Eosinophilic Granuloma complex is proof that the immune system might mess up.

What Cause The Bump To Form In The First Place

"So what is the culprit behind the bump on cat's lower lip", you wonder. Well, the situation is quite similar to the way that allergies in cats work: foods, drinks, materials and so on. After a cat comes into contact with substances/items that its immune system simply hates, one of the most common outcomes is a Granuloma bump. Considering how the bump forms, it comes as no surprise that it's painful to the cats and degrades the life quality of these pets. Cats that are suffering from Eosinophilic Granuloma complex tend to get aggressive and loss of weight is common as well.

Since it's hard to diagnosis and treat Granuloma bumps on your own, it's strongly recommended that you take the pet to the vets.  At veterinary clinics, people would assess the status of your cat and the offer advice regarding the course of treatment. Whatever you do, don't give your cat random drugs as it could lead to issues in the long run. At best, the vets have to take into account the medications that already enter the system of your cat which complicates the entire treatment scheme. At worst, fatal consequences are a possibility so be careful. 

Check us out for various cat tips & facts!

Treating Granuloma Bumps: Short Overviews

Most vets have numerous choices at their disposal when it comes to Eosinophilic Granuloma complex. Steroids work well but cyclosporine, chlorambucil, and immunosuppressive drugs in general also prove highly effective. As severe Granuloma bumps could take months to go away, expect a long treatment process. To efficiently tackle the trouble, it's widely advised that you take time to isolate the cause of the bump and get rid of it. In certain cases, the bumps only disappear after you remove all traits of the trigger. 

Other Causes Of Bumps That You Should Keep In Mind

Bump On Cat's Lower Lip: Causes And Solutions

Although Eosinophilic Granuloma complex. is the primary suspect behind the bump on the lower lip of cats, there are also a couple of other causes. 

  • Oral Issues

Dental abscesses, broken teeth that got infected and alike would cause swelling in the lip. The pain prevents the cat from eating smoothly and loss of appetite is obviously inevitable. On the bring side, it's simple for vets to treat bumps that are caused by issues in the mouth compared to Eosinophilic Granuloma complex.

  • Cancer

If your cat is old at the moment you spot the bump on its lip, your cat probably got cancer. Squamous Cell Carcinoma starts as a red patch of skin but as time passed by, it's going to swell. While this type of cancer rarely spread to other parts of the body, it's deadly and requires urgent treatments.

  • Physical Injuries

Cats are acrobatic masters but that doesn't mean they never made mistakes while landing. Therefore, the bump on the lower lip of your cat might be nothing more than a result of a tumble.  Instead of landing on its feed, your pet land right on its chin and as a result, the physical trauma gives birth to the bump. The vets could give your cat something in order to take care of the paint and speed up the recovery.

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