And a lot of cat owners might have known how cold is too cold to let a cat go outside in cold weather. But how about how cold is too cold for cats in a house?

Cats often follow their predatory instincts, but at the same time, they can be prey. That’s why they are evasive by nature. Your close friends do not always show us things like discomforts and weaknesses. And you will not easily know if they are sick or uncomfortable till they cannot hide their problems anymore.

And to prevent them from their illnesses, it is not a bad idea to keep cats out of harsh cold weather. It’s hard to deny that cats of all breeds are safest indoors. But how to keep them warm all the time?

High temperature gives your cats’ bodies the ability to destroy invading germs. And the lower temperatures are often more dangerous than the higher ones. You should know how cold is too cold for cats in a house.

How Do You Know if It is Too Cold For Cats In A House?

It is Too Cold For Cats In A House

How Do You Know if It is Too Cold For Cats In A House?

For an indoor cat, you can know if he/she is suffering from the low temperature by simply observing his/her types of behavior.

Behaviorally, we often categorize cats as playful, active, rambunctious, and aggressive. But when they are in temperature discomfort, they can be calm, inactive, or lazy.

The appetite of your cats might be the best clue. If your feline friends stop eating, lose their appetite entirely, or do not eat as much as usual, the reason may be the higher-than-usual temperature.

Many cats are quick to tell you that they are cold. If they constantly yowl at certain times of the day and you cannot consider the other reasons as a possibility, the danger zone regarding low heat might be what you should think about.

If your cats shiver, sneeze, or cough, they may be having a hard time withstanding cold weather. Each cat has his/her favorite spots to stay warmer - the windowsill, the couch, the blankets on your bed, the rugs or carpet, a cat treetop, the sliding glass door, or right in the doorway. They are the places where the sun is most prominent. Your cat can nearly warm himself/herself to sizzle and conserve energy.

What Is The Best Temperature For Cats In A House?

What Is The Best Temperature For Cats In A House?

What Is The Best Temperature For Cats In A House?

It is no secret that cats are much more independent than dogs. They give us a feeling that they are good at taking care of themselves and they can live well without us. Especially for those provided with two squares, there is no need to fight for any basic necessity of life.

However, even the most stubborn cats living in the comforts of home can feel the harsh effects of low room temperatures. What is the best temperature for cats in a house? There is no exact answer to this question. The ability to adapt to temperatures depends on many factors.


The very first factor to account for this is which breed that your cats are. Some breeds of cats can survive cold temperatures while others are genetically negatively affected by this pattern of weather. For example, short-haired cats cannot withstand cool temperatures well, but long-haired cats or the Norwegian Forest cats do it pretty perfectly. 


Cats, regardless of their breeds, are homeotherms. And their temperature fluctuates more than that of humans does. Typically, your adult cats do not need high temperatures as much as your kittens.

Both adult cats and little ones should maintain a relatively constant body temperature slightly ranging from 100.5F to 101.5F. Due to the adaptability to temperatures, even in normal environmental temperatures, your little cats might suffer from hypothermia. Also, young adult cats do not need warm temperatures that much as old adult cats who often bear joint or bone pain.

Fur Thickness

Even though your cats are not able to sweat to cool themselves in hot weather, in colder temperatures, they can have their fur insulate their bodies.

The thicker your cats’ fur is, the more easily they can maintain their bodies’ temperature. On the other hand, the short-haired cat breeds seem to tolerate the low temperatures worse than the long-haired ones.

Plus, if your cats get wet, their wet fur cannot help keep them warm in harsh cold temperatures.

Health Condition

Your cats’ health conditions can influence the range of normal cat temperature. If your cats’ health conditions are already good, they will have a much easier time with the low temperature. And those with poor health conditions will have a hard time tolerating this kind of discomfort.

Cats suffering thyroid are likely to be coldness-prone. And cats with respiratory infection, bacteria, or any other common severe illnesses should be kept in an environment with higher temperatures than usual.

Body Mass

The bigger size your cats are, the higher capacity that they can retain their body heat is. For supermodel thin cats, more heat sources are the only option to make them comfortable. Conversely, overweight cats with high body fat find it much easier to tolerate the cold temperature.

Check us out for various detailed cat tips & facts!

Tips to Prevent Your Feline Friends From Being Cold

How To Prevent Your Cats From Being Cold?

For a strictly indoor cat, how you do when it is too cold for him/her? You find your home too cold for you! I know that saving money on the heating bill is necessary, to keep your cats’ body temperature in a much higher range, you should move your thermostat up one or two degrees.

If you keep your cat indoors, I hope that you can ensure the temperature in such an environment as much ideal as possible. However, many vets say that once being left in a too-warm place like a car or house, chances are cats will suffer from most heat problems with cats. That’s why to overheat is not a good idea.

When you go to work leaving your cats alone at home, you might wonder if they are suffering from the low room temperature. That’s why you have to know how cold is too cold for cats in a house!

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