So the canine teeth of your pet seem to protrude out of its mouth? Check out this article and see what expert have to say about "cat fangs stick out"


Cat Fangs Stick Out

Through domestication, modern-day household cats have dropped certain traits of their ancestors but your fluffy friend remains a carnivore. That means most cats could not resist the urge to track, stalk and pounce on "prey" in the surrounding area. To hunt successfully, these adorable pets rely on various weapons but the most lethal ones are the flesh-tearing fangs (also known as canine teeth). Normally, the fangs remain hidden unless cats open their mouth but if the cat fangs stick out all the time, is it a worrisome sign?

In case your pet suddenly looks like a saber-tooth tiger with its protruding canine teeth, this article could provide you with some answers. Down below, you would be introduced to the canine anatomy of the average cats and what you should do if your cat fangs stick out. Generally speaking, cats that have protruding fangs often experience negligible difficulties in their daily life. That being said, for the convenience of the pets, it's strongly recommended that pet owners attempt to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

Cat Canine Teeth: Quick Summary

Cat Canine Teeth: Quick Summary

Before we get to the issue of "cat fangs stick out", it's a good idea to take a look at the characteristics of the canine teeth of your pet. Once you firmly grasp the nature of the cat fang, you should be able to understand what needs to be done if something goes wrong.

To put it plainly, canines are some of the first teeth to erupt in the mouth of ordinary cats (aside from the tiny front teeth). From first glance, it's simple for pet owners to guess the purpose of the canine teeth through their long, sharp and pointy profile. Similar to hypodermic needles, these teeth are capable of slicing through flesh with relative ease to which damage arteries, veins,… As the mouth of cats contains bacteria, a single bite is enough to introduce pathogenic microorganisms to the prey body.

Most of the time, canines of cats could not be clearly seen unless your pet decides to yawn which might look a bit intimidating. As with other teeth in the mouth, canines should be safe from cavities thanks to the lack of occlusal tables. Sugar-eating bacteria, the primary culprit of cavities in humans, tend to thrive on such surfaces so cats are less likely to have cavity troubles. Your pet could still run into a variety of dental ailments such as periodontal diseases, oral inflammation, cancer,… so keep a close eye on it.

Unlike rodents, teeth of cats (including the canines) stop growing at a certain age so if your cat fangs stick out, it's a malformation. To correct the canines, vets have several methods and excluding emergency cases, adjusting braces would be ideal in most situations. If somehow the over-protruding canine teeth fall out, there is no cause for concern. Cats could eat cat food without having all of their teeth so if your pet loses its canines, a minor change in diet is sufficient. In fact, most cats are able to eat some dry foods regardless of available teeth.

Handling Protruded Canines In Cats

Cat Fangs

Overall, if the behaviors if your cat remains normal, it's acceptable to leave the canine teeth as they are. In a couple of cases, the car canines fall out after a period of time and that would be it. Otherwise, if you are worried about the health of your pet, take it to the vet for a full assessment. One way to tell that your cat is having an oral issue is the smell of its breath: dental diseases are often accompanied by rotten odors. That is why if you detect foul scents coming from your pet, drop by a veterinary clinic as a precaution.  

Check us out for various astonishing cat tips & facts!

Top 5 Frequently Asked Question And Answer About Teeth Of Cats

Cat Fangs Stick Out: A Comprehensive Guide For Pet Owners

  • Could cat regrow lost canines?

Unlike sharks, the average household cats are unable to regrow lost canines if they lose the teeth for some reason. In case you don't know, cats have 26 baby (temporary) teeth and 30 adult (permanent) teeth. After all the permanent teeth are in place (between 20 weeks and 24 weeks of age) then that is it, no more. If your pet loses one then the total number of available teeth in its mouth would be forever reduced to 29. As mentioned above, losing some teeth is not a big issue as long as your cat is in good health.       

  • It is necessary for me to brush many pet teeth?

Generally speaking, because of the anatomy of their teeth including the canines, cats are safe from cavities, tartar build-ups,… As a result, you don't need to brush the canine teeth too frequently if you lack the skills /tools. It's strongly recommended to give your pet a professional oral cleaning once a year. Every now and then, an antimicrobial rinse is a good idea as well if you could have some on hand. Occasionally, you should gently lift the lip of your cat in order to detect potential issues and carry out treatments. You can also invest in some chew toys that help with maintaining oral health.

  • The gum of my pet seems slightly swollen. Should I take it to the vet?

Suspect that something is wrong with your cat? Then wait no longer and pay a visit to the local vet. Many things could lead to gum inflammation but stomatitis is the most troublesome of all. Therefore, when it comes to suspicious signs, it's of utmost importance to act fast.

  • Are regular oral checks mandatory?

Cats excel at hiding pain so if you wait until your pet starts crying out in pain then it might be a little too late. To let domesticated cats live a reasonably comfortable, pain-free life, it's essential for pet parents to think ahead.

Take a proactive stance and never wait for the health ailments to reach advanced stages.

  • What do I need to do if my cat bites me?

Thoroughly clean the wounds using antibacterial soaps, apply a fresh bandage and seek medical attention. Cat bites tend to deliver bacteria deep into your flesh so you need to refrain from treating the incidents lightly.

For more Cat's Health Guides, please visit Cattybox

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          • Michele Lenhart
            Created on: September 26, 2019

            I will like to know how old a cat is at 10 years old

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