Solo Play

Never get bored again with healthy toy options

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Solo Toys

Love the way your furball plays around on its own? It’s gonna look even cuter with our Solo Play Collection of toys. Now that CattyBox’s ultimate solo toys are here, you won’t have to worry anymore when leaving your cat to play alone.

Cats’ natural instincts are to chew, scratch, pounce and hunt, and that is where we put our focus on when producing these products. Together with added features such as catnip or vibrant colors, these toys are naturally attractive to our pets and encourage them to play more. CattyBox is delighted to help you motivate and amuse your cats with toys that are funny, colorful and creative.

The Solo Play Collection we offer here at Cattybox, ranging balls, pillows, tunnels, catnip toys to chews and much, much more, will definitely keep your cat physically active and mentally stimulated. Remember, your cat’s IQ, oral & dental health, digestion, bloating as well as overall health can be improved, anxiety and stress can be relieved with the right selection of toy.

Fun & highly functional as the toys are, we couldn’t cease to provide them with vibrant and eye-catching look. Also, all items are durable, odor-free, high-quality, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and non-abrasive, purrfectly safe for your cats to interact directly.

So, without further delay, let’s go explore the world of Solo Play Collection by CattyBox!
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